Thursday, November 25, 2010


Everything is 40% off in honor of all the die-hard shoppers out there. Just enter the following coupon code at checkout: BLACK 2010. And as a bonus, at my shop you won't have to face mob hungry crowds. You can do it in the convenience of your pj's. :) Please stop by and check out what I have been ...busy tweaking and creating.

Monday, January 18, 2010

My Shop Has Been Featured on Etsy!

Wow!  The last few days have been so fun (and a little crazy) that I almost forgot to come here and unload the great news . . .   Etsy featured my print "Your Life is Simply Beautiful" on their Storque spotlight last week.   This event sure rocked my sleepy little shop to say the least!

To celebrate, I want to offer a special sale through Saturday.  :)  Anyone who buys this print, can choose any second print of their choice free!  (More details are on my Etsy home page)

I must admit that all of the buzz these past few days has been an unexpected joy.  Thank you so very much for your kind words and support.

Friday, October 2, 2009

my first ten customers . . .

No wait . . . make that eleven! I am so excited to be shipping my art to places like Australia, Sweden and the UK. I get giddy every time I prepare the package and head to the post office. It's unreal and very, very wonderful.

Thanks for all your kind words and support.

Be sure to head over to the beautiful blog Swish and Swanky and check out her feature of the shop! The entire site is filled with beautiful colors, places, designs, and a wide assortment of eye candy.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Fruits of My Labor . . .

I have been working really hard for the last several weeks creating several new pieces. It was a lot of fun. These were some of my favorites!

A Blog is Born!

Hello! I am very excited to be able to connect with all of you via this blog. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions! Thank you to everyone at Etsy who has been so supportive of my artwork. You are all wonderful!

To celebrate a lot of new artwork just released, MY FIRST TEN customers will get one FREE print with their purchase! Details are on my shop announcement!
