Friday, October 2, 2009

my first ten customers . . .

No wait . . . make that eleven! I am so excited to be shipping my art to places like Australia, Sweden and the UK. I get giddy every time I prepare the package and head to the post office. It's unreal and very, very wonderful.

Thanks for all your kind words and support.

Be sure to head over to the beautiful blog Swish and Swanky and check out her feature of the shop! The entire site is filled with beautiful colors, places, designs, and a wide assortment of eye candy.


  1. darn it I just missed out! I will be begging Santa to bring some of your gorgeous prints and I have blogged about you. any probs with the prints being on my blog just let me know :-)) love them

  2. I came across your store on Etsy and love your prints and gorgeous sayings. You can definitely expect a purchase from me very soon! Another Aussie customer hehe =)

